"The Plaguemonger" Bill Crowley


Größe: 1,78 m
Gewicht: 77 kg
Herkunft: Bolsover, Derbyshire, UK
Geburtsdatum: 05.12.1991
Alter: 27 Jahre
Gesinnung Neutral
GWS Debut: -


Stil: Brawler (Death Match)
Finishing Move: DI5EASED
(Spining Suplex Facebuster)

Suffer Season
(Cloverleaf Style Stretch Muffler)

The Billy Horror Picture Show
(Front Headlock STO)

Undead Ahed
(Imploding 450° Splash)

Sonstige Moves: - Assault Driver
- Berzeker Drop
- Dropkick
- Jumping Neckbreaker
- Leaping Russian Legsweep
- Sidewinder Suplex
- Standing Shooting Star Press
- Turnbuckle Curb Stomp
- Wheelbarrow Sitout Facebuster
- Diverse DDTs, Suplex-Varianten und High Risk Manöver aller Art
Foreign Object: Holzstock (wie die Pestdoktoren damals)
GWS record: 0 Wins 0 Draws 0 Loss
Entrance Theme: Rat Plague Entrance Theme


Championships: -
Tourneys / Battle Royals: -
Sonstiges: -

Battlefield Statistik

Teilnahmen -
Beste Platzierung: -
Längste Zeit im Ring: -
Gesamtzeit: -
Gesamteliminationen: -

Weitere Informationen

Manager / Valet: Evil Priest
Tag Teams: Rat Plague
(/w Raven Crowley)
Stables: OCCULT
(/w Angelina Caesarian, Evil Priest, Cruella von Drachenberg, Raven Crowley & Caecilia Lacrimosa
Spieler: Cuntrovery

Gimmick / Charakter

“Beware the Plaguemonger … For he is the bringer of death and disease …”


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Ring Outfit

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