"De Scherpechter" Cruella Von Drachenberg
Größe: | 1,80 m |
Gewicht: | 70 kg |
Herkunft: | Gent, Beglium |
Geburtsdatum: | 31.10.1985 |
Alter: | 33 Jahre |
Gesinnung | Neutral |
GWS Debut: | 26.05.2019 GWS Dragonslayers of Swansea 2019 |
Stil: | Strong Style |
Finishing Move: | Execution Piledriver (Package Piledriver) |
Trademarks: |
Death Penalty Unholy Trinity Nightmare Scenario |
Sonstige Moves: | - Stiffe Kicks und Chops Jeglicher Art - Air Raid Crash Neckbreaker - Fireman’s Carry Gutbuster gefolgt von dem Corner Slingshot Elbow Drop - Gourdbuster - Lariat - Leg-Hook STO - Reverse Exploder Suplex - Pop-Up Powerbomb - Suicide Elbow Smash - Suplex Lifted DDT |
Foreign Object: | - |
GWS record: | 0 Wins 0 Draws 0 Loss |
Entrance Theme: | "Reign of Darkness" von Thy Art is Murder |
Championships: | - |
Tourneys / Battle Royals: | - |
Sonstiges: | - |
Battlefield Statistik
Teilnahmen | - |
Beste Platzierung: | - |
Längste Zeit im Ring: | - |
Gesamtzeit: | - |
Gesamteliminationen: | - |
Weitere Informationen
Manager / Valet: | Madame Noir |
Tag Teams: | - |
Stables: | OCCULT (/w Angelina Caesarian, Evil Priest, Raven Crowley, Bill Crowley & Caecilia Lacrimosa |
Spieler: | Cuntrovery |

Gimmick / Charakter
"I am like the moon ... bearing both light and dark ..."
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Ring Outfit
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